Best College Snacks: Easy Ideas for Athletes

Best College Snacks Easy Ideas for Athletes

Best College Snacks: Easy Ideas for Athletes


Best College Snacks: Easy Ideas for Athletes

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With busy practice, competition, and school schedules, healthy snacks can be an important component of a college athlete’s meal plan.  

Let’s explore a variety of healthy college snacks that athletes can enjoy throughout the day to support their sports nutrition needs.

College Snacks: Ideas for Before a Morning Practice

When college athletes have morning practice, it is important they make time to eat a quick high-carb snack before heading to the gym.

Similar to gas for a car, carbohydrates provide athletes with the energy needed to train at their best. Thus, athletes desiring to complete a high-quality morning workout will want to ensure they fuel their body with carbohydrates before the session.

Easy ideas for high-carb pre-workout snacks include:

  • Banana or small piece of fruit
  • Applesauce squeeze, dried fruit, fruit leather
  • Instant oatmeal, toaster waffle, low-fat muffin
  • Mini bagel, dry breakfast cereal
  • Graham crackers, animal crackers
  • Fig bar, low-fat granola bar, breakfast bar
College Snacks Before a Morning Practice - 
College athletes should make time to eat a quick high-carb snack before heading to morning practice.

College Snacks: Post-Workout Ideas

Following a workout, college athletes should focus on snacks that can help them meet their recovery nutrition needs. This is especially important if it will be several hours until they eat their next meal. 

Too often, I find college athletes rush straight from their morning practice to class and thus miss a prime opportunity to fuel their bodies.

It can be helpful to remind athletes that eating a healthy snack after practice and before heading to class is important.

Recovery Nutrition Snacks for College Athletes

When planning post-workout snacks, the three areas of recovery nutrition that college athletes should focus on include:

  1. Rehydrate: Consume fluid and electrolytes to replace sweat losses
  2. Refuel: Consume carbohydrates to replace energy stores
  3. Repair: Consume protein to build and repair muscles

Easy post-workout snack ideas include:

  • Low-fat chocolate milk and granola bars
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with low-fat milk
  • Greek yogurt, berries, and granola
  • Turkey and cheese wrap, sports drink
  • Beef jerky, pretzels, banana, sports drink
  • String cheese, breakfast bars, low-fat milk
  • Cottage cheese with fruit and graham crackers
  • Sports bar with sports drink
  • Post-workout smoothie
Recovery Nutrition Snacks
1.	Rehydrate: Consume fluid and electrolytes to replace sweat losses
2.	Refuel: Consume carbohydrates to replace energy stores
3.	Repair: Consume protein to build and repair muscles

What About Chocolate Milk for College Athletes Following Practice?

I frequently recommend chocolate milk as a recovery drink that college athletes can enjoy following a practice.

Chocolate milk is 90% water, supporting athletes with rehydrating following a practice. In addition, a 1-cup serving of chocolate milk provides 8 grams of complete protein and 26 grams of carbohydrates (1).

Thus, chocolate milk can help colleges athletes meet their fluid, protein, and carbohydrate needs following a practice.

However, perhaps most importantly, chocolate milk tastes good. I find most athletes will gladly enjoy a glass of chocolate milk as they head to class.

College Snack Ideas for Between Classes

In addition to snacks surrounding workouts, it is important that college athletes have a plan for how they will meet their nutrition needs throughout the school day.

Since class and practice schedules typically vary throughout the week, college athletes need to take time to determine when they will eat their meals and snacks each day.

On days when athletes have full class schedules, having a plan for snacks between classes is important.

Balanced Snacks for College Athletes

I encourage college athletes to plan to eat balanced snacks or “mini-meals” between classes that will support their sports nutrition needs.

Athletes can create balanced snacks or “mini-meals” by combining a carbohydrate-rich food item with a source of lean protein.

Easy “mini-meal” snack ideas that athletes can enjoy between classes include:

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Turkey and cheese wrap (ham, chicken, or roast beef are great options as well)
  • Jerky, granola bars, orange wedges
  • String cheese, pretzels, apple slices
  • Bagel with nut butter, banana
  • Hummus with pita chips, grapes
College Snack Ideas for Between Classes - Athletes can create balanced snacks to 
enjoy between classes by combining a carbohydrate-rich food item with a 
source of lean protein.

College Snacks for Studying

When it comes to college snacks for studying, I often find that athletes like finger-foods that they can munch on as they study.

Below are a variety of healthy college study snack ideas to share with athletes.


Air-popped popcorn is a convenient study snack for college athletes. Tossing peanuts or cashews into the popcorn is a tasty way to add protein to the snack.

Whole Grain Breakfast Cereal

Dry breakfast cereal can be a nutritious snack for athletes to enjoy while studying. I recommend choosing a whole grain variety, which will add fiber to the snack.

Similar to the popcorn, athletes can toss nuts into the cereal for added protein. Drinking a glass of high-protein milk along with the cereal is another nutritious way to boost the protein content of their snack.


Grapes are an easy fruit option that athletes can enjoy while studying. Frozen grapes are a tasty, cold treat that I find many athletes enjoy.

Athletes can consider enjoying string cheese or almonds along with the grapes to add protein to their snack.

Veggies and Dip

Baby carrots, mini peppers, celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes are all great vegetable snack options. I suggest athletes pair the veggies with Greek yogurt dip or hummus for added protein.

Athletes can also enjoy pretzels or pita chips along with their veggies and dip.

Jerky: Mess-Free College Study Snack

Beef or turkey jerky is a high-protein snack option athletes can enjoy as they study. Jerky has the advantage of being mess-free, making it a convenient study snack option.

Along with the jerky, athletes can enjoy apple slices, dried fruit, or pretzels.

Trail Mix

Finally, trail mix can be an easy snack option for college athletes to enjoy while studying.

Athletes can make their own trail mix combination by tossing together an assortment of their favorite nuts, seeds, dried fruits, pretzels, and whole grain breakfast cereals.

College Study Snack Trail Mix - Athletes can make their own trail mix by tossing together an assortment of their favorite nuts, seeds, dried fruits, pretzels, and whole grain breakfast cereals.

Packaged Snack Ideas for College Athletes

I am commonly asked to share my favorite packaged snack ideas for college athletes. Below are some of my top picks for athletes to add to their meal plans.

College Snacks: Plan Ahead

Finally, with busy schedules it is important to remind college athletes about the importance of planning their snacks for the week ahead of time.

On the weekend, college athletes should make a grocery list and shop for the snack items that they will need during the week.

In addition, athletes can consider meal prepping healthy snacks they can grab each day before they head out the door.

Easy meal-prep tasks may include:

  • Packaging nuts, dry cereal, pretzels, or trail mix into individual serving-size bags
  • Preparing turkey and cheese sandwiches or wraps
  • Washing and chopping fresh vegetables
  • Creating snack bags with a variety of favorite items so they are ready to go

Taking time to plan ahead can help set college athletes up for sports nutrition success throughout the week.

College Snacks Plan Ahead - With busy schedules it is important for college athletes to plan their snacks for the week ahead of time.

College Snacks: Ideas for Athletes

You are now set with a variety of college snack ideas to support athletes with meeting their sports nutrition needs.

For additional nutrition tips for college athletes, make sure to check out my blog on healthy college dorm foods.

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Click HERE to join the Nutrition By Mandy e-mail list. When you join you will receive a free athlete’s grocery list to print and take with you to the store.

About the Author

Mandy Tyler is a Sports Dietitian Nutritionist in the San Antonio, TX area. She is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, a Licensed Athletic Trainer, and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine.  Mandy has experience working with athletes at the high school, collegiate, and professional levels. She believes the key to reaching one’s full potential, both in everyday life and in sports performance, relies on a healthy nutritional foundation. 

Sports Nutrition Game Day Guide EBook for Athletes

If you are looking to take your performance to the next level, make sure to check out my new Sports Nutrition Game Day Guide. This downloadable guide is written to help athletes develop an individualized plan to achieve peak performance on game day.

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