Sports Nutrition

Dinner in the Car Ideas for Busy Athletes

13 Dinner in the Car Ideas for Busy Athletes *This article includes affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. With busy practice and competition schedules, dinner in the car is often a necessity for busy athletes.

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Pre Game Meal Ideas for Athletes

Best Pre-Game Meal Ideas for Athletes Eating a well-planned pre-game meal can help ensure athletes are fueled to perform at their best in the upcoming competition. Equipping athletes with ideas for the best pre-game can help set them up for

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National Nutrition Month 2024

National Nutrition Month® 2024: Tips for Athletes During March we celebrate National Nutrition Month®. This month serves as a reminder of the importance of making informed food choices and developing positive eating and physical activity habits to promote a healthy

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15 Post Game Snack Ideas for Athletes

15 Post-Game Snack Ideas for Athletes Following a competition, it can be helpful for athletes to have ideas for the best post-game snack to support their recovery nutrition needs. Let’s explore 15 post-game snacks that can help athletes refuel, rehydrate,

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High Protein Vegan Snacks for Athletes

10 High-Protein Vegan Snacks for Athletes Planning high-protein vegan snacks can be a challenge for athletes. Athletes may be unaware of how much protein they need or unsure what vegan foods contain protein.  Let’s take a look at how much

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What to Eat Before a Tennis Match

What to Eat Before a Tennis Match It is important for athletes to know what to eat before a tennis match to fuel their bodies for optimal performance. Let’s take a look at the energy requirements of tennis. Then we

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